Kim, a Wrexham counsellor, further explores the benefits of pet ownership on our well-being.
In the previous post, I highlighted the compelling evidence describing how pet ownership can reduce blood pressure, reduce stress and make people feel less lonely-among other health and well-being benefits. The type of pet you own makes no difference, as research has shown that these health benefits are as true for cats and dogs as they are for fish, lizards, or goats for instance. However, dog ownership carries further health benefits due to the walks involved. For instance, exercise guidelines for adults specify at least 30 mins a day. Dog walkers on average walk for 24 mins twice a day- of huge physical and psychological benefit! If you were interested in walking dogs, many animal charities rely on volunteer walkers; links local dog owners to local dog borrowers- for walks, weekends and even holidays. Please be aware that pet ownership is rewarding and also carries responsibilities and commitments.