Kim, a Wrexham Counsellor muses over our interactions with others
Walking alone a canal I stopped to watch leaves falling onto the still waters. The ripples extended outwards and some met other ripples, others rippled off into forever. Some ripples were distorted by meeting a plant or stick in the canal and an array of tiny waves was created when the wind blew strongly so the ripples couldn’t be seen any more.
I then began to ponder that in my interactions with other people ripples are created. A smile to a stranger sends out positive ripples which that person may pass onto others. A cross word sends ripples and that negativity can also expand outwards. Moods are so transferable! So I conducted a little experiment to test this out. As I was at a dog agility competition so there were many people and the opportunity to observe and participate in many interactions was great. I noticed that when I smiled and said hello that others were warm and willing to engage in a conversation and somehow others would gravitate towards me which felt wonderful! Our words and gestures are just like those ripples on the water: without necessarily intending to, we affect those we come into contact with directly and indirectly.