A weekend by the sea…

If you know me, either personally, professionally or through reading these posts you will know that I usually attend a one week-long silent retreat each year.


The week long silent retreat, as wonderful as it is, is actually part of my continuing professional development (CPD) as a mindfulness teacher – it’s something I have to do to maintain my registration.  And so I made a pact with myself to make 2018 different, and to include going on a retreat which would be just for me – no CPD involved!


I have previously posted here about attending a shamanic retreat in Dorset in the summer.  And at the beginning of October, I found myself by the Norfolk coast on a coaching-orientated retreat which was for women only.  This was a real treat of a retreat as it was held in a hotel, and I had an ensuite room all to myself with full access to the hotels facilities including room service should I require.  The food was amazing, and it felt never-ending!  The weekend was geared around identifying what we wanted to change, and how those changes may start to happen.


I greatly valued the opportunity and space to be part of a bigger group, and to also indulge my need for solitude.  Being by the sea is always cathartic for me… I was raised by the sea so it’s my go to place when I need to think or be on my own.  And while I was there, there were some very dramatic waves and wild winds driving the rain.  Some may think this is unorthodox or weird, however I love going out walking in that wild weather… It really makes me feel alive.  It then also feels wonderful to get out of your wet clothes into warm comfy clothes and a welcoming environment where they serve afternoon tea with real clotted cream!


Image: Asvolas/Shutterstock

It was a weekend of changes for me personally and in my waistline! I will be adding solo weekends away to my diary for 2019…